以下是搜尋 "習近平" 的結果
Taiwan to attend China APEC summit: official...onference on Saturday.Meanwhile, Taiwan’s APEC envoy, Lin Hsin-i (林信義), on Saturday said that he greeted Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) with a wave at the summit, but there was no handshake or conversation, a sign of the tensions between Taipei and Beijing.Taiwan does not send |
Politicians hail cross-strait nuptials... shut down media reports of Bo Guagua in recent days, Fan said.Bo Xilai, known as the only serious challenger to Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) during a reported power struggle in the early 2010s, is serving a life sentence in a prison in Beijing after being convicted of corruption and |
Indonesia should continue to walk a fine line in Trump’s world...trategic blunder during his first foreign visit since he was inaugurated on Oct. 20. Both the former general and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) spoke about their shared ambitions and mutual trust — no doubt a signal to Washington about this growing partnership. Beijing has wanted to |
Notes from Central Taiwan: Is Taiwan becoming a legislative dictatorship?...d been put in place after retired lieutenant general Wu Sz-huai (吳斯懷) went to Beijing to listen to a speech by PRC President Xi Jinping (習近平) in 2016. Wu later became an at-large legislator for the KMT who sat on the defense committee, causing considerable consternation at the time. |
PRC threatens regional stability: Taipei...t Joe Biden for expressing Washington’s firm stance of maintaining peace and stability in the region.Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) met on Saturday for their third meeting and their first talks in seven months on the sidelines of the APEC forum in Lima, Peru.It was likely B |
Peru port could face US’ China tariffs... across the bow” to any country that partners on maritime infrastructure with China, including Mexico, he said.Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) inaugurated the new Chancay port in an elaborate ceremony with his Peruvian counterpart on Thursday. Xi boasted that the facility would establ |
Lu Li-shih’s remarks at Zhuhai are unfortunate...l Wu Sz-huai (吳斯懷), who went to Beijing, stood for the Chinese national anthem and listened to a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平). It was enacted so rashly that it is problematic in terms of legal principle.By only prohibiting people who served as a major general or a hig |
習近平「拜習會」談台灣問題 陸委會:不卑不亢維持現狀 (5)...體制,不卑不亢,維持現狀,堅定捍衛國家主權尊嚴。大陸國家主席習近平在「拜習會」上表示,台灣問題是中方紅線,不容挑戰。(圖/美聯社)習近平與拜登在秘魯利馬當地時間16日下午在亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)峰會場 |
APEC後訪問巴西 習近平於巴媒發文:同「全球南方」一起捍衛共同利益 (2)...後,大陸國家主席將轉往熱內盧,出席二十國集團()領導人峰會,並對巴西進行國事訪問。在出訪之際,習近平在巴西媒體發表署名文章指出,他期待推動與巴西關係行穩致遠,並且要同廣大「全球南方」國家一起,堅定 |
台媒稱「中華隊」 矢板明夫:配合中國矮化台灣 (5)...要說他代表「台北」,就有點怪怪的感覺。矢板明夫指出,傳主辦APEC的秘魯,配合中國打壓台灣。為了不讓習近平車隊在行車途中看到寫著TAIWAN的大型看板廣告,直接切斷了電子廣告電源近40分鐘。已經造成了商業糾紛。另外 |
江蘇校園傳持刀砍人釀8死17傷 當局:加強對困境人員救濟幫扶...心。要及時發布權威訊息,回應社會關切。信長星強調,公共安全是最基本的民生。要認真學習貫徹總書記習近平對珠海駕車衝撞行人案件的重要指示精神和中共中央領導批示要求,從思想高度警覺,從工作舉一反三,補短 |
中國稱台灣問題不容挑戰 外交部回擊「顛倒是非的謬論」 (3)... 點擊閱讀下一則新聞 拜登任內最後會晤習近平!藍委分析「項莊舞劍意在沛公」 |
中國將主辦2026年APEC 學者:不以台獨心態「以管窺豹」大陸國家主席習近平在經濟領袖閉門會議表示,中國大陸將主辦2026年的APEC峰會。國安會前副秘書長表示,在APEC慣例下,陸方應會 |
拜登快卸任為何還要會晤?分析:習近平亮底線「實向川普喊話」 (6)...議題,其次是想強調對大陸的「打壓」是不合理的。專家分析大陸國家主席習近平藉「習拜會」向美國總統當選人川普喊話。(圖/美聯社)習近平與即將卸任的美國總統拜登當地時間16日在利馬亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)峰會 |
中國無差別砍人釀8死 微博全面封鎖消息 (3)...有專家指出,社會矛盾加劇、基層勞動者的壓力與青年人就業困難,可能是此類極端案件的潛在誘因。儘管習近平近日已下令加強風險源頭防控,並要求地方及時化解矛盾,如何有效遏止類似事件的發生,仍是一大挑戰。《 |
與習近平的互動 林信義:與每個經濟體代表都是自然互動 (12)...未來的合作機會,彼此發展的需求和可以提供的協助等,都獲得良好的成果。至於媒體關心與中國國家主席習近平的互動,領袖代表回應,與每個經濟體代表都是自然互動。至與美國總統拜登的會談情形,領袖代表指出,與 |
一週大事/棒球12強台灣賽事開打 APEC經濟領袖會議登場(2024.11.11-11.17)...;其次是緝毒面也有3成4。APEC經濟領袖會議(圖/美聯社)2024 APEC年會11月10日在祕魯利馬揭開序幕,拜登、習近平、石破茂等多國領袖都將親自參與15日的APEC經濟領袖會議,台灣則是由總統府資政林信義擔任領袖代表。美國 |
台中樂成宮正殿重修百年慶 林右昌、盧秀燕同賀 (4)...先做這個活動。江啟臣除祝福樂成宮下一個百年更熱鬧外,他接受聯訪被問到美國總統拜登與中國國家主席習近平見面一事時指出,不管北京與華府,都有各自堅持及主張,樂成宮媽祖也給他一個堅持,堅持正視中華民國的 |
無錫校園也爆無差別殺人 技校生返校「見人就砍」8死17傷 (2)...「再見」。落款「徐加金」,日期是11月16日。據自由亞洲電台報導,社媒上有大量網友發帖評論,有人稱「習近平是這一系列社會事件的萬惡之源」、「中國在互相屠殺,互相吃人中,邁向地獄」、「感覺已經上升到恐怖襲 |
秘魯傳媒稱習近平才是APEC主角 中展示「實質影響力」 (3)...導人非正式會議,在秘魯首都利馬召開,大合照中,對照排在角落的拜登,習近平站C位甚受矚目,對此,秘魯傳媒表示「 這次APEC的明星就是習近平,不是拜登」。此外,在峰會期間,中國展示對東道國秘魯的「實質影響力」 |