以下是搜尋 "和泰汽車" 的結果
車市不淡…11月掛牌3.9萬輛 優於預期 (2)...整體而言,今年車市規模雖不如去年的47.7萬輛,但因為豪華車品牌的表現亮點,進口車掛牌量仍逆勢成長。和泰汽車旗下TOYOTA與LEXUS品牌於11月合計登錄14,144輛,年減4%,市占率36.1%,創近13年來同期新高。累計TOYOTA與LEXUS兩品牌 |
New vehicle sales fall 10.1 percent on weak demand...grow for a second straight year remains to be seen, as car distributors usually launch promotions later in the year, it added.Hotai Motor Co (和泰汽車), which dominates the local market with a 36.1 percent share, said it expects new vehicle sales this month to shrink 3 percent year-on-year to |