以下是搜尋 "增修條文" 的結果



前天 01:41 | 聯合新聞網 | 關鍵字: 審判   憲法法庭   憲法   大法官   訴訟法   總額   律師   職權   釋憲   會議  

EDITORIAL: Taiwan, the schizophrenic nation

...office, but the texts of major legislation, including the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (中華民國憲法增修條文) and the Act Governing Relations Between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例),

前天 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 呂禮詩  

Amending court’s rules would erase balances

...rt should have 15 justices, referring to Article 5 of the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (中華民國憲法增修條文).If the proposal were enacted, it might result in the Constitutional Court being unable to pass judgements.For example, based on Article 30 of

大前天 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 憲法   中華民國憲法   翁曉玲   訴訟法   增修條文  

民眾黨團向試委被提名人追問卷 潘孟安:25日前回覆    (4)


4天前 11:32 | 聯合新聞網 | 關鍵字: 黨團   被提名人   問卷   潘孟安   考試院   副院長   立委   黃國昌   總統府   拜會  

黃國昌找館長練搏擊 民進黨團諷:用在黃珊珊身上?


5天前 12:29 | 聯合新聞網 | 關鍵字: 黃國昌   民進黨團   館長   黃珊珊   憲法   國民黨   立委   搏擊   網紅   民進黨  

民團要求翁曉玲撤回憲訴法 號召人民上街守護憲法


5天前 11:57 | 聯合新聞網 | 關鍵字: 憲法   修法   民團   撤回   守護   翁曉玲   國民黨   大法官   憲法法庭   立委  

朝野惡鬥陷困境什麼是解方    (4)

...不過半,國會改革終於出現重大契機。 張啓楷說,然而,賴市長不尊重民主,賴總統一樣不尊重民主,憲法增修條文第4條第3項規定,「立法院於每年集會時,得聽取總統國情報告」。立法院今年5月28日三讀通過的《立法院職

6天前 17:27 | PChome新聞 | 關鍵字: 朝野   民主   國會   惡鬥   解方   立法院   政黨   賴清德   憲政體制   辦公室  

Lawyers march against Constitutional Court bills

...l number of incumbent grand justices as stipulated in the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (中華民國憲法增修條文), marchers said.If passed, the Constitutional Court would have to cease operations whenever there are an insufficient number of justices, they

6天前 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 憲法   訴訟法   翁曉玲  

The Gordian knot of nationality

...tionality? One might argue that the preamble of the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (ROC) (中華民國憲法增修條文) states: “To meet the requisites of the nation prior to national unification,” while Article 1 of the Act Governing Relations Between the

6天前 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 尤英