以下是搜尋 "三朝" 的結果

Donovan’s Deep Dives: The spike in signaling between the CCP and incoming L...

... in China on American culture, society and economy. In Taiwan, he is possibly known the most for being the “three dynasty imperial teacher” (三朝帝師) who has been involved in crafting the messaging and ideological underpinnings of three successive CCP leaders and has remarkably survived

12小時19分鐘前 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 賴清德  


...身處亂世的心境。木槿榮丘墓,煌煌有光色。白日頹林中,翩翩零路側。 蟋蟀吟戶牖,蟪蛄鳴荊棘。蜉蝣玩三朝,采采修羽翼。 衣裳為誰施?俛仰自收拭。生命幾何時?慷慨各努力。木槿花開在丘墓之上,光彩奪目耀人,

大前天 15:43 | 遠見雜誌 | 關鍵字: 蜉蝣   無常   感嘆   活到老   變故   詩經   遠見雜誌   心靈成長   需要   生命的意義