以下是搜尋 "蔣介石行館" 的結果

Chiang name removed from Kaohsiung tourist hall

...rby National Sun Yat-sen University.In 2004, it was classified a city historic site and renamed the Sizihwan Chiang Kai-shek Hall (西子灣蔣介石行館). At the time, cultural bureau members viewed Chiang as being “an important political figure, and the hall as his southern retreat an impo

12小時55分鐘前 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: 西子灣   蔣介石   市定古蹟   行館  

中山大學「西子灣蔣介石行館」更名定案 「蔣介石」三字移除    (2)


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